Seriously. I don't understand. Why? I mean, Gaming Industry can do so much to make almost any of gamer satisfied (maybe not any, but most of them) very easy. Of course, it requires to spend some time by developers and programmers, but it is for happiness for all, after all!

Some players want more characters in game with same skin color like they have, others don't like too much male NPCs, some loved original concept and "new changes" ruins their enjoy process.
It's too hard to satisfy all of them same time.
So... I suggest make the game like it was earlier. Like «To gamers by gamers». For others (people who not satisfied) – need to add settings (see picture above). If you want more important females – here it is. You can even get all female NPCs, if you need it. Some of those people doesn't use logics. You want all characters are Asians – nothing easier. Not according narrative, but you want – then you get. Don't like white males – replace them all with help of couple of checkboxes. NPCs of course. What about non-NPC, but other players' characters (who were made by example as white males), it can be changed in-game also. Something like that already exist. It's Cross-Faction.
If not streaming or screenshots, other players will not know how exactly you see their characters.
Clearly it will not same playing process as it was planned. But you still can turn it back any moment in few mouse clicks. Devs get some statistics also. To know how much players prefers something or other. And maybe they will use it in further updates.
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